• E' uscito l'update 1 per Civil 3D 2011

    Oggi è stato rilasciato l'update 1 per Civil 3D 2011, nelle due versioni a 32 e 64 bit:

    Lo potete scaricare a questo indirizzo, con le consuete cautele per chi ha "lavori in corso" importanti, dato che (seppure ben testato) può sempre capitare che qualche cosa non vada per il verso giusto, specialmente se avete programmi aggiuntivi che si appoggiano a Civil 3D (magari sfruttando la base AutoCAD o Map 3D).

    La lista degli aggiornamenti è nutrita (maggiori dettagli su questo e altro nel Readme)

    Issues Resolved for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 Update 1

    This update includes the resolution of over 40 issues. This section of the readme documents the resolved issues that previously caused loss of data, unexpected failures of AutoCAD Civil 3D, or reflect a change in functionality.

    • Best Fit Alignments can no longer be created with zero length segments.
    • Fixes to the spiral curve-spiral-curve-spiral-curve calculation methods have been updated.
    • Fixes to the spiral-curve-spiral calculation methods allow for these types of alignments to be created.
    • COM type libraries now register correctly on 64-bit Operating Systems.
    • An issue with custom draw on Japanese language versions has been resolved.
    • An issue with certain API methods using an incorrect array type has been resolved for 64-bit operating systems.
    • The Corridor .NET API has been optimized for memory usage and execution performance, which allows developers to process large Corridor models through the .NET API..
    Corridor Design
    • Using a value of zero for width now results in correct volume calculations for the subassemblies ShoulderExtendAll, ShoulderMultiSurface, and ShoulderVerticalSubbase.
    • An issue causing the Target Mapping dialog box to be slow to open has been resolved.
    • An issue in the CorridorSection Editor dialog box causing labels to be reversed has been resolved.
    • An issue in the Corridor Section Editor causing all vertical links to appear offset has been resolved.
    • Parameters are now shown in the same order in the Properties Palette as in the Subassembly Properties dialog box.
    • For the Channel Subassembly, setting the sideslope to near vertical no longer causes the bottom lining depth to go to infinity.
    Corridor Volumes
    • Surface names are no longer included when attempting to create material lists using the command Define From Sample Line Group.
    • Incorrect instances of missing Language Pack errors on file open have been resolved.
    • Access to the large address space provided by the 3GB switch is now accessible with this update.
    • There are no longer errors in Storm and Sanitary Analysis program from opening AutoCAD Civil 3D drawings containing a solid pipe projected into a profile.
    • Context sensitive help is now displayed in Civil 3D as AutoCAD 2011.
    • When attempting to select a curb return profile ribbon option with selected intersections, the application no longer becomes unresponsive..
    • Performance has been improved when listing objects with labels in the Properties Palette.
    • Curved parcel text with 0 border gap no longer falls outside of the label border.
    • A temporary survey database is no longer added after completing a mapcheck adjustment.
    • Exporting a surface using XML sometimes causes Civil 3D to hang.
    • Exporting a surface using LandXML sometimes causes AutoCAD Civil 3D to become unresponsive..
    • Pipes now display in profile view in the expected location and the inlet/outlet structure is resized automatically.
    • Drawings that contain pipes and structures in profile views no longer take an extremely long time to open.
    • Point Group Properties and certain styles no longer cause AutoCAD Civil 3D to close unexpectedly.
    • When creating Best Fit Profiles from 3D polylines, the first vertex is assigned the actual elevation value rather than zero.
    • The Pipe network Vista now appears correctly when switching between different networks.
    • A crash on save caused by an issue with pipe networks has been resolved.
    Profile View
    • Profile properties no longer display "No Profile found". The actual Profile name is now displayed.
    Project Management
    • Performance accessing files and opening drawings from Vault has been improved.
    • Performance improvements have been made when many objects are displayed in a Profile View using object projections.
    • Drawings where feature lines are projected into multiple section views no longer take a long time to open.
    Quantity Takeoff
    • Incorrect counts when using the Each calculation type for pay items has been resolved.
    • Dynamic tooltips for out of date objects no longer cause AutoCAD Civil 3D to close unexpectedly.
    • When deleting standard styles from the NCS Imperial template, AutoCAD Civil 3D no longer closes unexpectedly.
    • An issue occurring with project association after xrefing a drawing with data shortcuts has been resolved. The associated project folder of the xref’ed drawing will no longer change to the project association of the main drawing.
    • Issues with the Superelevation Tabular Editor refreshing when alignments are switched have been resolved.
    • Critical station overlap now resolves automatically. The values are the same whether calculated manually, one curve at a time, or automatically.
    • When resolving superelevation overlap, the critical stations between End Full Super of a curve and Begin Full Super of the next curve and the overlapping shoulder critical stations are removed.
    • Manually editing superelevation values in the Superelevation Tabular Editor no longer causes AutoCAD Civil 3D to become unresponsive..
    • Changing the visual style of a drawing which contains a surface no longer causes AutoCAD Civil 3D to close unexpectedly.
    • AutoCAD Civil 3D no longer becomes unresponsive when creating a Grid Volume Surface.
    • An issue with the error tolerances check box has been resolved. The tolerance errors are ignored. If you specify Yes, then observations with tolerance errors are not included in the calculation of the survey point.
    • Figure prefix matching no longer fails when the field book figure name and the figure prefix in the figure prefix database have different text cases.
    • Values entered in the Equipment Database Manager are now retained exactly as entered.
    • Figure mapcheck now returns the correct closure values.
    User Interface
    • Subassembly names now display as part of the information in the AutoCAD Properties Palette.
    • An issue that could cause AutoCAD Civil 3D to shut down at seemingly random times has been resolved. This issue was more frequently encountered on 32-bit operating systems when the floating toolbars for object properties and styles were enabled.
    • The program no longer closes unexpectedly from bringing up the Text Component Editor multiple times.
    Commenti 4 Commenti
    1. L'avatar di guido.bonin
      guido.bonin -
      INstallato (64bit su Windows 7) pare che vada (il setup finisce e Civil 3D riparte, aperto un disegno funziona..
      Dà solo un messaggio di errore (durante il setup) che non riesce a sovrascrivere un file su una cartella temporanea.
    1. L'avatar di GimmiGIS
      GimmiGIS -
      Grazie Guido!
      Appena possibile rimbalzo la notizia anche sul mio Blog
    1. L'avatar di GimmiGIS
      GimmiGIS -
      Intanto ho installato l'Update 1 ed ho notato un problema: uno sfarfallio del ViewCube con il disegno vuto, e di alcune parti del DWG quando ne apro uno. Peggio ancora se carico un layer geospaziale (SDF) quando passo sopra con il mouse c'è un continuo rigen.

      Però ho risolto: reimpostano i parametri della scheda grafica ai valori di default (anche se non li avevo mai modificati).

      Tra poco pubblico tutto.

      A presto
    1. L'avatar di guido.bonin
      guido.bonin -
      Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GimmiGIS Visualizza Messaggio
      Intanto ho installato l'Update 1 ed ho notato un problema: uno sfarfallio del ViewCube con il disegno vuto, e di alcune parti del DWG quando ne apro uno. Peggio ancora se carico un layer geospaziale (SDF) quando passo sopra con il mouse c'è un continuo rigen.

      Però ho risolto: reimpostano i parametri della scheda grafica ai valori di default (anche se non li avevo mai modificati).

      Tra poco pubblico tutto.

      A presto

      Si, il fatto del ViewCube era scritto nel readme e in questo post di BeingCivil: pare che basti spegnere e riaccendere (la regola "zero" dell'informatica...) l'accelerazione hardware.